Capital Investment Grants Program
New Starts, Small Starts and Core Capacity Improvements
What's New
- On December 17, 2024, FTA published in the Federal Register its 2024 Policy Guidance (FR 2024-29616) for the Capital Investment Grants program. The guidance replaces the prior version published in January 2023 and will become effective January 16, 2025. FTA published responses to comments received during the public comment period that ran from April to June 2024 on the docket.
- FTA will host two webinars on January 14 and 15 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. ET to review the new guidance. The webinars will be recorded.
- The CIG dashboard reports data and the status of milestones for New Starts, Small Starts, and Core Capacity projects seeking funding. Information is updated monthly based on progress reported by project sponsors to FTA's Office of Planning and Environment.
This FTA discretionary grant program funds transit capital investments, including heavy rail, commuter rail, light rail, streetcars, and bus rapid transit. Federal transit law requires transit agencies seeking CIG funding to complete a series of steps over several years.
- For New Starts and Core Capacity projects, the law requires completion of two phases in advance of receipt of a construction grant agreement: Project Development and Engineering.
- For Small Starts projects, the law requires completion of one phase in advance of receipt of a construction grant agreement: Project Development.
The law also requires projects to be rated by FTA at various points in the process according to statutory criteria evaluating project justification and local financial commitment. For a complete discussion of the CIG process and the evaluation criteria, please see FTA’s Policy Guidance.
Sponsors of CIG projects should also become familiar with the transportation planning and environmental review process requirements that apply to projects funded by FTA. Find information on the transportation planning process and the environmental review process.